

山谷学院的健康和公共服务职业和学术途径(CAP)将吸引喜欢在医疗保健领域工作的学生, schools, law enforcement, 在消防技术领域.

如果你是健康与人文学科(HPS) CAP的在读学生, click on the button below to join the HPS CAP Canvas Site, the one-stop hub to help you succeed and complete your pathway at LAVC.

加入HPS CAP画布站点


Program Mapper

想要探索这个CAP的专业,看看你会上什么课?  我们有一个很好的工具可以帮助你规划你的大学和职业道路. 

卫生和公共服务 CAP Program Mapper

HPS CAP计划和部门

In the HPS CAP, 对健康和健康感兴趣的学生可以主修运动机能学,在那里他们将学习运动, nutrition, anatomy, physiology, 以及伤害管理.  获得护理和呼吸治疗学位的学生可以为在不断发展的医疗保健行业获得执照做准备. Studying psychology will lead students to broad career possibilities, 包括那些接受咨询的人, therapy, research, business, and neuroscience.  Students interested in education can focus on early childhood, special education, 小学教师教育, or prepare for multiple-subject teaching. 主修司法将使学生在执法工作中获得一个立足点, correctional science, homeland security, 或者消防技术方面的工作, 包括消防和学习成为一名督察或纵火调查员. 

H&C Areas of Study

Click on the tabs below to access information about each Area of Study.

司法行政 Area of Study


紧急事务署 Chair – Jennifer Read, @email 

专职医疗预备 Area of Study


生物科学系 Chair – Sara Huang, huangss@jackielui.net   



儿童发展处 Chair – Elmida Baghdaserians, @email  



紧急事务署 Acting Chair – Dr. Laurie Nalepa nalepal@jackielui.net



运动学系 Chair – Sandy Perry   perrsf@jackielui.net




健康科学系 Chair - Preetha Puthiakunnel, @email  



心理学系系主任- Ali Ghassemi, @email 



健康科学系 Chair - Preetha Puthiakunnel, @email 


你的CAP是一个可以帮助你完成学业的人的网络, career, and personal goals. 你的一些社区包括教授、顾问、成功教练、图书管理员和导师. 

职业转移中心帮助您实现职业和教育目标. We can help you discover your dream career, identify majors that can help you get there, and develop the skills needed to land an internship or job. If you are unsure about your major or career, 考虑换专业, 或者需要别人帮忙找工作, the 职业转业中心 is there for you.  We can support you in making informed career decisions, building your resume, developing your interviewing and networking skills, 找工作 & internships. 访问职业转学中心网页,与职业专家预约, 报名参加一个研讨会, and learn about our upcoming career events. 
Examples of Questions to Ask a Member of the 职业转业中心: 

  • 我可以采取哪些步骤来了解什么职业和专业最符合我的兴趣, values, and skills? 

  • 我正在考虑的专业有哪些就业机会? 

  • 有哪些实习或其他机会可以帮助我提高工作准备技能? 

  • What jobs are available in my area of interest? 

  • How can I prepare myself to increase my chances of securing a job? 

  • Which career community is best for me based on my interests? 

Counselors are available to answer your academic, career, and personal questions and to help you to develop an educational plan. 辅导员可以帮助你计划每学期的课程选择,以最大限度地提高你完成学位的机会, 证书和/或转学目标. They can also help you learn how to choose a career, major, 转学,为学业和个人成功提供策略. 一定要定期拜访你的辅导员,根据你的专业和转学目标更新你的教育计划. Make an appointment with a counselor here: 

Visit Counseling 
Examples of Questions to Ask Your Counselor: 

  • Can we review my Student Educational Plan (SEP)?

  • What courses should I take to meet my career/academic goal(s)? 

  • How do I receive credit for AP (Advanced Placement) test scores? 

  • How do I receive credit for coursework completed at another college? 

  • How many classes should I take each term?  

  • How many units are needed to meet my academic goal?  

  • How can I improve my current academic standing? 

LAVC Librarians are experts in academic research and citation. 我们可以指导您完成研究过程的各个阶段:理解研究任务, selecting a topic, 制定研究策略, 寻找可靠的消息来源, 引用信息. 我们在参考咨询台提供一对一的研究协助,每小时图书馆开放, 和24/7在线实时聊天支持. 无需预约. 
Get Your questions answered by a librarian anytime, anywhere! 

Chat Now

  • 如何使用图书馆数据库查找与作业相关的资源?  

  • Can you help me understand my research assignment?  

  • How can I determine if the information I found online is credible?   

  • 我如何引用我在网上找到的图片?  

  • What’s the difference between MLA and APA citation format? 

教授可以为你提供在学术和职业生涯中取得成功所必需的知识和技能. You can reach your instructor through their LAVC email, which you can find using the directory link on the LAVC website.  你也可以通过课程大纲找到他们的首选皇冠官网网站. The syllabus will also provide information about faculty office hours, 在课外,哪些时间是专门用来和学生见面的. 办公时间有时也被称为教师旁听时间,是提问和与教师建立专业关系的好地方.  It is important to get to know your professors, 尤其是在你的专业,因为他们可以提供有价值的职业和/或转学建议,也许可以在你需要的时候提供推荐信/推荐信. 

Reach out to Professors via email, during office hours, or on Canvas. 


Examples of Questions to Ask Your Professors: 

  • Can you please clarify this assignment?  

  • 我怎样才能最好地准备你的考试? 

  • 对于阅读课堂上的材料/课文,你有什么建议?  

  • Where can I go for tutoring and/or supplemental instruction? 

  • What are the common habits of your best students? 

  • Why did you decide to major in this field? 

学生成功教练可以帮助你适应大学的各个方面,包括如何在课堂上取得好成绩, how to connect to clubs and other opportunities to make friends, 以及如何找到学校和生活的平衡.  我们是你的支持者和合作伙伴,在这里帮助你成功地驾驭大学,并可以为你连接到校园内外的广泛支持和资源. 我们将通过电子邮件向您介绍我们自己,所以请务必定期查看您的LACCD电子邮件.   
Examples of Questions to Ask A Success Coach 

  • Where can I go for help with _______________? 

  • How do I navigate Canvas or my student email? 

  • 我收到了LAVC发来的邮件. What does it mean? 

  • How do I choose which professors might be a good match for me?  

  • 我正在努力平衡学习、工作和其他责任,你有什么建议吗? 

  • I am experiencing food and/or housing insecurity.  我可以向谁寻求帮助?   

  • 我要去看心理咨询师.  在我去之前我应该做些什么准备,这样我才能最大限度地利用我的预约? 

Tutoring is a powerful tool that all students should take advantage of, whether or not they are struggling in a class. 导师是LAVC的学生,他们可以在广泛的科目上帮助你,也可以模拟技术, strategies, and beliefs that successful learners use to acquire new knowledge, solve problems, 完成学术任务. 简而言之,导师帮助LAVC学生培养他们独立完成工作所需的技能. 

我们提供各种学科的辅导和学术支持,并提供自习室等资源, laptop/book use, 以及教学讲义.  



  • What are some things you did to be successful in your courses? 

  • 在我要求辅导之前,我能做些什么来提高我的学习效率呢?  

  • 作为一名学生,你对在LAVC学习有什么建议吗? 

  • 我可以使用哪些外部资源和/或技巧来帮助我准备考试? 

CAP in Action


Student Clubs

Student clubs are a great way to network within the CAP, 与其他学生交流, 探索与共同农业政策相关的主题. 

加州学生护理协会(CSNA):联系Bilma Pellisseri教授Pellisbr@jackielui.net

Kinesiology Club: Contact Professor Sandra Perry at perrysf@jackielui.net

Psychology Club: Contact Professor Wilson Chu at chuw@jackielui.net

除了CAP特定的俱乐部, the 联合学生会(ASU) also has numerous clubs for students. Visit the ASU website 了解更多信息. 


Emergency Services
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
司法行政 AS-T C
Fire Technology AS C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
专职医疗预备 AS C
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
基本需求导航 C
社区卫生工作者 C
犹太非营利组织 C
家长与家庭发展 C
Child Development
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Child Development AA
Child Development: Associate Teacher, Preschool (A) C
Child Development: Director, Preschool (B) C
Child Development: 幼儿教育 AA
Child Development: Infant/Toddler Care Teacher (D) C
Child Development: School Age Programs Teacher Day Care (C) C
儿童发展:特殊教育 AA
儿童发展:教师 C
幼儿教育 AS-T
小学教师教育 AA-T
Adult Education
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Health & 人力服务-职业准备
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Kinesiology AA-T
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Liberal Studies: Multiple Subject Teacher Prep AA
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Nursing AS
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Psychology AA-T
Respiratory Therapy
Area of Study Transfer Degree Degree Certificate Skill Certificate
Respiratory Therapy AS C